Founding Document Signed

Posted on 03 Mar 2022

In February 2022 the Founding Partners document was landed and agreed by the founding partners. These are Stratford A&P and The Taranaki Motorsport Facility Charitable Trust (TMT) Consisting of, Taranaki Stockcar Club (inc), Drag Racing Taranaki (inc), Taranaki Car Club (Inc), South Taranaki Car Club (Inc). This is a momentous occasion and one that the Steering Committee and the Founding Partners have been working on for over a year. A Founding Document is a legal document which defines the terms in which an organisation will be established. In this case the document outlines the way the partners will work together to run Stratford Park. The document also outlines the objectives of the organisation and regulates how the organisation is to be administered, how it should be run, it’s structure, the duties of the managing committee and Board of Directors etc.

If you would like to see a summary of the founding document it can be viewed here.