September Newsletter 2024

Posted on 02 Oct 2024

Newsletter - Sept 2024

Daylight savings is upon us - meaning Spring is well and truly here and those lovely summery nights aren’t too far away.  The change of seasons means we’ll be out and about more and it won’t be long till more and more activities are running at Stratford Park.

Stratford Business Assn BA5

Last week, we hosted a Business After Five function in the Skinner Road Hall.  Almost 50 people attended to hear an update on our progress.

We began the evening with Board Member, Allie Hemara-Wahanui presented a Karakia to open the presentation by Steer Co Chair, Phil Macey and Project Manager, Tracey Blake.

An overall project update was divided into Equestrian, Motorsports and A&P giving a true insight to our progress, aspirations and demonstrated the passion we still have.

See our presentation below.

Update 27 Sept 2024

Equestrian Endorsement

It’s been a work in progress and the Stratford Park Steer Group, along with the full Equestrian Sub Committee are thrilled to announce that we have received an endorsement from the Taranaki Regional Facilities Consortium.

So, who are they and what does this mean?

The Taranaki Facilities Consortium is a collective of 9 partners and their representatives from across the region that agree, given the issues we are facing with sport, active recreation

and play facilities they value:


The Taranaki Facilities Consortium is the mechanism to review facility challenges and projects, to provide support and ensure any facility build or redevelopment aligns with core values.

This means that we are fully endorsed by the consortium to apply for funding to any of the partners for Stage One of the Equestrian Complex.  Having this endorsement is a huge step forward in the right direction and we are thrilled to have received this.

Education Update

One of the first projects at the Stratford Park Equestrian Complex will be the introduction of an Equine Assisted Learning program for secondary school students.  This will be run once a week for students from Taranaki Diocesan and Stratford High Schools over the school term.  This program is designed to help our Tamariki to build social and relationship skills, develop confidence and regulate their emotions and energy.  Using horses to help deliver this program is proven to provide co-regulation between human and animal which can be very beneficial to regulate anxiety and emotions.

Both schools have been very supportive of this opportunity and we are looking forward to developing further programs as the facility progresses.

Motorsport Working Group

Stratford Park Monmouth Rd

The Taranaki Motorsports working group have been super busy getting the entrance, driveway, car parking area sorted, thanks to the generosity of the Taranaki Electricity Trust.  We have purchased a toilet block and, along with our office area, this will be set up shortly.

We have applied for funding for a large concrete pad that will act not only as a space for Driver Education, but also, we have been approached to lease this area by a full-time tenant and have recently conducted a survey that shows this space will be well used by the community.

It’s almost Show time!

The Stratford A&P Committee are busy working towards the 2024 show that will be held at the showgrounds on Sat 30th Nov and Sunday 1st December.

With a weekend packed of activities and entertainment, the show is sure to be a success again, often attracting over 12,000 people!  This year, there is a great home, garden and all things creative section where you can win cash prizes, but also a Strongman or Strongwoman competition.

For more details, head along to their Facebook page or website.