Issue 1 – Newsletter 2021

Posted on 01 Nov 2021

NOV 2021 - ISSUE 1



Welcome to our first stakeholder newsletter. We aim to release these newsletters once a quarter to update all stake holders on how the project is progressing. In addition to the newsletter there will be regular news releases on our Facebook page and website.


It’s hard to believe a year has gone by since the Stratford District Council granted the Stratford A&P (and ultimately the project) a loan of 7.2m to purchase the Lilley block. Since then the block has been farmed and has partially been placed in Maize to enhance revenue generation.

The establishment of the farm into a profitable business has been one of our main focuses this year. However in addition to this, the committee has focused heavily on confirming the governance and operational structure of the project going forward.

We continue to build relationships with user groups and potential funders. From the outside looking in it may not seem that much has happened but ensuring we have a sound foundation to our project was essential before we began outwardly promoting our activities.

It would be fair to say that Covid has impacted the project, and with the cancellation of the 2021 A&P show we have lost a big opportunity to promote the project.

We have now reached agreement to purchase a further 36 hectares of land to the north which will give the project the full ability to develop the complex to its optimum.

The key motorsport clubs have devised a plan to fundraise for the purchase. They have also formed a collaborative and unified group to manage their involvement in the project.

Spatial plans have been redrafted into a “Version 2” for the motor sport complex, which will be released shortly, and the equestrian development planning is underway with a scheduled start to land preparation in the new year.

During the year Neil MacDonald handed the reins of the steering committee over to Philip Macey who has been appointed interim chairman. The project is investigating the appointment of a professional project manager to oversee the project and ensure key deliverables are met.

Our expectation is that in the next 6 months we will

1. Release the approved governance and operational structure for the entire facility.

2. Secure funding and purchase the required piece of land.

3. Finalise the entire facility design to a point that application can be made for resource consent.

4. Commence building of stage 1 equestrian centre.

As key stakeholders in the project we value your support and input so please reach out if you would like to know more about the project.

Philip Macey

CHAIRMAN - Stratford Park